We have returned to our monthly summer gatherings in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun & Fellowship around a Biblical theme.
Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There will be crafts, games, and song.
The meal will be provided.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 21 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


06/04/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are some of the things going on in our congregation at this time:


  • The June Messenger was mailed out yesterday.

  • Father’s Day is fast approaching.  If you would like to have your father recognized in our bulletin for Father’s Day, the Lutheran Men in Mission is sponsoring a special offering to be given to the SC Lutheran Men in Mission.  You may make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your father.  Please fill out the form in the Sunday bulletin or the June newsletter and either place it in the offering plate on Sunday or mailed it back to the church office.

  • This coming Sunday is Holy Trinity Sunday, when the focus of our worship service with be God the Father in three persons.  This is the one time of the year we use the long Athanasian Creed because of its repetitiveness in treating the three persons, equally.

  • I will of course be attempting to preach on the concept of The Trinity.  In preparation for this message, I ask you to ponder:
    • What does the Trinity mean to you personally?
    • If you are honest, is there one person of the three that attracts you the most?
    • Is there one of the three persons that is most difficult for you to accept/explain to others?
    • If someone were to ask you for support of the concept of the Trinity, what Biblical stories would you offer?
    • How is each person of the Trinity seen/heard/felt in our worship service?

  • A quick update on our Nursery “Flowers in Bloom” Project:
    • Many items have been placed in the Office Parlor. 
    • This afternoon I just counted 22 nursery items on the sofa and floor of the Parlor.
    • We would like to wrap up this project by Father’s Day, June 18.  So if you have selected a flower/item, please have it at the church by this date.  Thanks for your generosity!!!


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


This week, families with children and youth will receive a special box in the mail. We are calling this, Pentecost in a Box! In this box you will find some things to help you understand and celebrate the season of Pentecost.

Included in the box will be:

• Some weekly reflections on the Gospel readings for the first 11 weeks of Pentecost
• Some easy (but fun) crafts
• Objects to symbolize and remind you of the readings and teachings of Jesus

Everything in the box can be used as a family or individually. Find a spot for the objects in your home and let everyone in your family enjoy their meaning. The weekly readings may be hard for little ones to read, so parents and older siblings can help. The crafts are for kids but older siblings may enjoy them too. We will continue to send mailings like this for each season of the church year. We really hope that families will enjoy them.

It is the hope and prayer of the Learning Committee that we will soon return to having more educational activities and gatherings with our children and youth (even if it looks a bit different than in years past.) We encourage all to participate in our Family Fun Nights this summer and again, we really hope families enjoy the Pentecost in a Box.



The 2023 SC WELCA Convention, which is being held at the Zion Lutheran Church in Lexington June 23-24, 2023, is requesting support for the following projects:

1. Monetary donations to assist Camp Kinard with purchasing room supplies, maintenance supplies and tools and to start a Chapel Fund to build a new chapel/multi-use meeting space. Please make checks payable to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” and note on the check “SC WELCA Convention – Camp Kinard.”

2. Hygiene kits for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania’s Southwestern Diocese with whom the South Carolina Synod began a companionship in 2002. The following items are to be included in each hygiene kit: hand towel, wash cloth, regular-sized bar of soap, 6 band aids, 20 cotton swabs, comb, small jar or tube of Vaseline, toothbrush, nail clippers and nail file. Please place the items in a small ziplock bag and wrap everything in the hand towel.
If you wish to contribute to the Camp Kinard project, please give your check to Beth Fischer by Sunday, June 18. If you wish to participate in the hygiene kit project, please place your completed kit in the box located in the Narthex by Wednesday, June 21.

05/28/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • We are very grateful for the 8 folks who participated in making encouragement cards for the SnackPack project (see photo attached).  Together, 438 cards were completed with more expected later.

  • As you know, we have made the transition from holding Operation Inasmuch projects only one time a year, to providing several outreach projects throughout the year.  So . . . we have several Operation Inasmuch T-shirts left over from previous years that we no longer need.  Some are the blue version and others the red version.  If you are interested in one of these, they are located in the narthex.  The quantity and sizes are:  (3) Adult Small shirts, (1) Adult Medium shirt, (1) Adult Large shirt, and (3) Youth Medium shirts. These are free for the taking.

  • The deadline to submit a name and information for the June Messenger is Sunday evening.  If you have a family member who recently graduated from high school, technical school or college, please send that information to Pat before Memorial Day.

  • This Sunday we celebrate with Gracie West as she will receive her First Communion at the Late Service.

  • With this Sunday being Pentecost Sunday, you are invited/encouraged to wear something red to worship that day. We will celebrate with Michael Caruso and Brady West being confirmed at the Late Service.

  • I will be preaching on the First Reading from Acts 2:1-21 as we take a look at how the Lord changes some of the endings in life to new beginnings through the Holy Spirit.

  • Then on Monday, Memorial Day, please take a moment to pause in remembrance for those American Military Members who died in service to our country.  


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Fathers Day 2023

FATHER’S DAY is Sunday, June 18th. A special offering, sponsored by Lutheran Men, is being received to be given to the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission. If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your father, please click on the link below and fill out the form. 
The names will be listed in the bulletin on Father’s Day. Deadline is June 11.




New Womans Bible Study Group

We would like to start a women’s Bible Study group! The group will meet in the evenings to
allow those who work or go to school to be able to attend as well. Women of all ages are
If you’re interested, please contact Lauren Guthre at leguthre@yahoo.com with the following
• Your name
• Which weekday would work best for you: Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday
• What time would work best (6:00-7:00 p.m., 6:30-7:30 p.m., etc.)
• What you would like to study! The floor is open for your ideas!
The group will likely begin meeting in the fall, so there is PLENTY of time to send in your ideas
and availability!

5/21/23 Weekly Congregational updates

Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • The digital code on the front door of the church was not repaired this past week.  The wrong part had been shipped.  Hopefully the correct part will arrive soon.

  • You may have noticed this past Sunday some “splotchy” spots on some of the steps leading into the sanctuary.  We have a company who is in the process of repairing some of the risers and surfaces of our 85-year-old steps.  Last week a compound was applied to the areas eroding.  The next step will be an epoxy will be applied.  You should see a remarkable improvement in the appearance.

  • Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday.  You are invited/encouraged to wear the color red.  Michael Caruso and Brady West will be confirmed during the Late Service.

  • We will also celebrate with Gracie West at the Late Service, her receiving Holy Communion for the very first time.

  • Today, 34 “flowers” have been taken and we have 5 remaining.  If you would like to help us in the refurbishing of the church nursey, please see the article in the bulletin and pick up one the remaining flowers, or you can make a monetary donation by placing “Nursery Update” on the Memo line.

  • Next Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday.  You are invited/encouraged to wear the color red.  Michael Caruso and Brady West will be confirmed during the Late Service.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer



In Fellowship Hall “LADIES NIGHT”

All men in the HTLC congregation are invited to attend the Lutheran Men Mission meeting at 6:00 PM on Monday, May 22nd . This will be the last meeting before the summer break and in celebration of summer the meal will be a cookout featuring hotdogs, hamburgers and the fixin’s. Wives of current and former members are invited to attend. Our speaker for this meeting will be Rev. Chase Edgar, pastor of The Anglican Church of the Ascension.

Come out and join in the fellowship. Convertible owners are expected to attend, with tops down.

Nursery “Flowers in Bloom” Project

Nursery “Flowers in Bloom” Project
Our church provides a nursery during our church services, church events,
and at other times when childcare is needed. It has been several years since
it has been updated, so the time has come to give it a refresh. A
subcommittee began meeting several months ago to determine what
updates were needed in the Church Nursery.
The group decided that the nursery is in need of new books, toys, and a new table with chairs.
We would love to have your help with this!
We have carefully chosen items that are safe and appropriate for very young children, easy to
clean, Biblical, and educational. We have placed a flowerpot in the Narthex with individual
items on each flower. You can find the name and price of each item on the front of the flower.
A picture of the item is on the back as well as a QR code that will take you directly to the
website where it can be purchased. There are items of all prices, so we hope that you can find a
flower to pick!
Once purchased, please place your item in the parlor of the Church Office. The subcommittee
members will take it from there. We ask that all items be placed in the Church Office by
Sunday, June 18 (Father’s Day). Thank you very much for helping with this project for the
children of our congregation!
Directions for Choosing an Item:
1. Pick the flower(s) of your choice.
2. Open the camera on your phone and scan the QR code on the back of the flower.
3. The item will appear on the website from where it is listed. You will purchase directly from
*If you wish to make a monetary donation instead, you may designate a special offering to
the Nursery Update.
NOTE: We ask that you buy items new, from the items we have
chosen. The members of the subcommittee inventoried what is
currently in the Nursery and made careful decisions about what to
remove, replace, and add to the Nursery. We cannot take used item
donations. Thank you for understanding.