The 2023 SC WELCA Convention, which is being held at the Zion Lutheran Church in Lexington June 23-24, 2023, is requesting support for the following projects:
1. Monetary donations to assist Camp Kinard with purchasing room supplies, maintenance supplies and tools and to start a Chapel Fund to build a new chapel/multi-use meeting space. Please make checks payable to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” and note on the check “SC WELCA Convention – Camp Kinard.”
2. Hygiene kits for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania’s Southwestern Diocese with whom the South Carolina Synod began a companionship in 2002. The following items are to be included in each hygiene kit: hand towel, wash cloth, regular-sized bar of soap, 6 band aids, 20 cotton swabs, comb, small jar or tube of Vaseline, toothbrush, nail clippers and nail file. Please place the items in a small ziplock bag and wrap everything in the hand towel.
If you wish to contribute to the Camp Kinard project, please give your check to Beth Fischer by Sunday, June 18. If you wish to participate in the hygiene kit project, please place your completed kit in the box located in the Narthex by Wednesday, June 21.