06/30/24 SAVE THE DATE

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, June 30, as we celebrate significate anniversaries with Jill and Pastor for their many years of faithful service to our congregation. We will be honoring Jill Helgeson for her 25 years as our Organist/Music Director and we will be honoring Pastor Fischer for his 15 years as our minister (and his 30th year of Ordination). With this being a 5th Sunday, there will be One-Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. followed by a meal. More information will follow.

5/5/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s highlights to pass along to you:


  • Don Simon is at AnMed Rehabilitation in Room 114, if you would like to stop by and visit with him.

  • The May edition of The Messenger was mailed out Tuesday.

  • This coming Sunday is Senior Recognition Sunday as we put the spotlight on those in our congregation 70 years of age and older and on our high school seniors.  As part of the worship service, we will be doing the Blessing of the Graduates rite for Katelin Passow and Jack Roehrs.

  • For Sunday’s sermon, we will be focusing on our gospel text, John 15:9-17, and Jesus’ command for us to love one another.

  • Wednesday evening will be our next Family Fun Night, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Supper will be provided.

  • With Mother’s Day fast approaching, Sunday is the last day to turn in bulletin requests.  If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of your mother, or In Honor Of your mother, names will be printed in the bulletin May 12 for Mother’s Day.  All donations received will be given to a female student at Southern Seminary as part of a special offering on behalf of WELCA.

  • If you or a member of your family will be graduating from high school, technical school or college this spring, we are in the process of collecting names and information for the June edition of The Messenger.  May 12 is the deadline to do this.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Prayer Garden Drop In

Prayer Garden Drop In
Sunday May 26th, 2024

Immediately following the 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services:
Join the Prayer Garden Committee in the garden for light refreshments and beverages. You will have the opportunity to view the landscape design and vision for the upcoming refurbishment and update of the Alton Clark Memorial Garden. We envision this area to be a place where one may come to pray, reflect, visit with a loved one and to let your mind rest from outside distractions.

The irrigation has been installed and a new metal gazebo is being designed by a local metalwork artist. We hope to begin the purchase of the landscape plantings in the next few months. On the day of the event, you will have the option to select a landscape planting from the garden cart to contribute In Memory Of or In Honor Of someone who encouraged, nurtured or inspired your spiritual growth. Hope to see you on May 26th!

Prayer Garden Committee:

Anna Caldwell
Connor Caldwell
Bonnie Emanuel
Claude Calloway
Mary Ann Hobbs


On Sunday, May 5 we will be recognizing all the seniors in our congregation, 70 years of age and over as well as our high school seniors. This will take place at both the Early and Late Services.


Our new women’s group, the “Dining Divas,” will start in May, and we decided on the 1st Thursday of each month to meet at 6:00 PM at different restaurants. There will be no leader (just Beth Cribbe as coordinator), no program, no projects, nothing to sign up for – just mingle, talk, and hopefully laugh with other Lutheran ladies in a social setting. The ONLY thing you will need to do is to RSVP to Beth Cribbe each month so she can make reservations for us at a restaurant.
First “Dining Divas” will take place:
Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM
at Carson’s Steak Warehouse,
150 W. Beltline Blvd.
Please RSVP
Beth Cribbe (call or text 864-617-6216 or email bcribbe1@gmail.com).

4/28/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s highlights:


  • We keep in our prayers Suzie Bannister as she recovers from recent gall bladder surgery.

  • We also pray for Don Simon who has been admitted to AnMed with a possible mild stroke.

  • Cathy Rudisill has moved to Ashton Park, apartment 518.

  • Be aware:  If you receive a text from me, asking you for a favor and to contact me, it is NOT from me.  It is a scam.  It is signed “Rev. J. Chris Fischer” which should be a tip off.

  • This coming Sunday is Youth Sunday when the youth of our congregation will be conducting both worship services.  Come and support our youth!

  • The Assisted Hearing Devices have arrived and are now available for use during our worship services.  These devices will amplify our sound system and you will be able to control the volume to your liking. If you are interest in using one, please see an usher on Sunday mornings.

  • WELCA has decided to create a new group for the women of the church whose only aim is to meet to eat and have Christian fellowship at local restaurants – called “Dining Divas.”   They will meet on the first Thursday evening of each month at 6:00 p.m.  You will need to let Beth Cribbe know of your intention a head of time so that adequate space will be reserved.  Their first dining event will be May 2 at Carson’s Steak Warehouse.  RSVP Beth Cribbe at 864-617-6216 or email bcribbe1@gmail.com

  • Attached is a photo of the Shepherd Window in our Sound Room, of which I spoke of last week in our message.



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Hear This!

WE DID IT!!!!!
Thanks to your generosity, we now have 4 hearing assist devices available for use by people with hearing difficulties

These were installed on Friday 4/19/24

Please ask an usher if you would like to use one

4/21/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • I am happy to report that Lydia Caldwell returned home this afternoon after successful back surgery.
  • Through the years many of you have heard me make reference to the Shroud of Turin (the possible burial cloth of Jesus).  Even though our Chrisitan faith is not dependent on whether this piece of cloth is authentic or not, I think you will have a deeper sense of the crucifixion wounds of Christ through this link (shared with me from one of our members):   Is this the image of Jesus Christ? The Shroud of Turin brought to life | EWTN News In Depth
  • On Tuesday of this week the Statements of Giving went out electronically for the very first time.  If you did not receive your copy or if you prefer a printed copy instead, please contact Pat in the church office so she can follow up with appropriate action.
  • The worship theme for Sunday will be Shepherd Sunday, where much of the music, scripture readings and sermon will focus on Jesus Christ as our good shepherd, based on our gospel reading, John 10:11-18.
  • The Lutheran Men In Mission will gather for their monthly supper meeting on Monday evening, 6:00 p.m.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 12th. A special offering, sponsored by WELCA, is being received and then given to deserving female students at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your mother, please fill out the form below. The names will be listed in the bulletin on Mother’s Day. The deadline is May 5th.

In Memory of____________________________________________________
Honor of__________________________________________________________
Other (To the Glory of God) __________________________________________
Given by__________________________________________________________


Click on the link below to download a word document to fill out and turn in



BUTTERFLY TREE Throughout the 40 days of Lent, our sanctuary hosted a “dead” tree, covered with caterpillars. Throughout the season of Easter, they have been gloriously transformed into butterflies, symbolic of the Resurrection of our Lord!