Saturday Servants

As in prior years, HTLC will prepare bagged lunches for the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen
through the Saturday Servants Program. Each Saturday in July (except the second Saturday) we
will gather in the Fellowship Hall to prepare 140 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and 140 bologna
and cheese sandwiches, along with other food items. July 27th is our last Saturday. We will begin
to pack at 10:00 a.m. NOTE THE NEW TIME.

Kroger Baker is providing the bread as in prior years. Ingles has provided all the bottled water.

We now have adequate food donations to cover all Saturdays of July.

If you have questions, please contact Leslie Cox at 301-788-9035 or Jamie Corrigan at 864-224-
8070, our Service Committee Co-Chairs.

Happy Fathers Day

Our Thanks to those who have contributed through the Lutheran Men in Mission to the SC Loan and Gift Fund. These gifts will be awarded to a new SC Lutheran mission, to help them get started with building programs. These are interest-free loans and when the loans are repaid, they are invested again in other new churches.
These gifts have been given In Honor Of or In Memory Of the following men this Father’s Day:
In Memory of James Adams, given by Julie Hawkins & Jamie Few.
In Memory of Arnold Allen and Ervin Hidlebaugh, given by Robert and Vicki Allen.
In Memory of Bob Potter, given by Jane Potter.
In Memory of Wiley W. Howell and Paul R. Rummage, given by Paul Rummage.
In Memory of Ted Larson & Jerry Scalf, given by Nancy Scalf.
In Memory of Claude L. Calloway, given by Claude D. Calloway.
In Memory of Anton Rudawski & Joseph P. O’Connor, given by Robert & Sophie O’Connor.
In Memory of Bill Metz, Sr. & Rev. J. Luther Ballentine, given by Bobbi Metz.
In Memory of Gary Furman Vinson, given by Bob and Jean Vinson.
In Memory of Bill Christmas and Bill Caldwell, given by Chris and Anna Caldwell.
In Memory of Jack Richardson, given by Diane Richardson.
In Memory of A. Neal Cain and Earl P. Korn, given by Dave and Nancy Korn.
In Memory of McKeva (Mac) Thomas and Rev. John (Jack) Fischer, given
by Pastor and Beth Fischer.
In Memory of Harold H. Rasche and Elvin J. Hannahs, given by Dave and Sue Rasche.
In Memory of Henry W. Theiling, Sr. and Thomas W. Howell, given by Ronald & Karen Theiling, Jr.
In Memory of Bill Christmas, given by Connor Caldwell.
In Memory of Robert Browder & James Freeman given by Sandi Jordan.
In Memory of L.C. Trent, given by John Trent.
In Honor of Ronald D. Theiling, Sr. & Olin R. Bell, given by Ronald & Karen Theiling, Jr.
In Honor of Jim Jordan and Jim Browder, given by Sandi Jordan.
In Honor of Chris Caldwell, given by Connor Caldwell.
In Honor of Mike Metz, given by Bobbi Metz.
In Honor of Pastor Chris Fischer, given by the Fischer Family.
In Honor of Claude Calloway, given by Shelley, Amanda, Grant, and Rylee Carroll.

Father’s Day memorials

FATHER’S DAY is Sunday, June 16th.
A special offering, sponsored by
Lutheran Men, is being received to be given to the South Carolina Lutheran
Men in Mission.
If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In
Honor Of your father, please click on the link below and  fill out the form below. The names will be listed in the bulletin on Father’s Day. Deadline is June 9.


Fathers day 2024


MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 12th. A special offering, sponsored by WELCA, is being received and then given to deserving female students at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your mother, please fill out the form below. The names will be listed in the bulletin on Mother’s Day. The deadline is May 5th.

In Memory of____________________________________________________
Honor of__________________________________________________________
Other (To the Glory of God) __________________________________________
Given by__________________________________________________________


Click on the link below to download a word document to fill out and turn in


03/31/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • Our 12:00 Noon Maundy Thursday service is now in the books. Tonight, our second Maundy Thursday Service will take place at 7:00 p.m.  This worship will have Holy Communion and at the end of the service, the altar will be stripped, symbolic of Jesus’ humanity being stripped from him at the hands of the Roman soldiers.

  • Tomorrow, we offer a choice of two worship services for Good Friday, one at 12:00 Noon and the other at 7:00 p.m.  Both services will be identical.

  • As you make your Easter plans, we will have an Easter Sunrise Worship Service with Holy Communion at 7:00 a.m. and another Easter Holy Communion service at 11:00 a.m. Both services will be identical.  Please keep in mind there will be no Sunday School classes this day as we will have our much-enjoyed Easter breakfast following the 7:00 a.m. service in Fellowship Hall.

  • Dave Korn will be available after both Easter Worship Services to take your photo as we update our Congregational Photo Directory.  If you will not be here on Easter, he will be available after both services on April 7.

  • Don’t forget your flowers for the wire cross that will be in front of the church on Easter Sunday.  If you choose to do this, you may bring flowers from your yard, if available, or they can be purchased at local stores.

  • We now have 17 signed up for our Congregational Litter Pick Up event.  This will take place on Saturday, April 6, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. If you have not yet signed up and want to join us, it is not too late.  Simply call Leslie Cox or Jamie Corrigan to find out our location to meet.  All supplies for this event will be provided, including: gloves, safety vests, grabbers and plastic bags.  


In Christ,


Pastor Fischer


4/6/24 Litter Pick Up Day

Service Committee News

No one likes litter! We are blessed to live in a beautiful community and we want to keep it that way. On April 6th, the Service Committee will be sponsoring a Litter Pick Up Day from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. Supplies for this project (e.g., safety vests, grabbers, gloves and bags) will be provided. The specific location/locations will be announced prior to the date.

Sign-up sheets will be available in the room off of the narthex beginning on March 17th. Please join us, even if you can only come for an hour. This is a wonderful activity for families with older children. Come help the Holy Trinity Litter Warriors beautify our community.

In case of rain, the project will be rescheduled for Saturday, April 13th.

The Service Committee is also requesting ideas about areas in our community that need to be cleaned. If you have an idea, please contact Leslie Cox at 301-788-9035 or Jamie Corrigan at 864- 224-8070.



The Endowment Committee will be meeting in early April to select the charities that will receive grant funds in 2024.
As in the past, if you have a charity that you would like to have considered for a grant, please send an email to Dave Rasche (, or any committee member or the church office, listing the charity, what they do and any comments why they should be considered.

Thank you

Breakfast Blessings

Hope Missions of the Upstate, a charitable and religious non-profit organization in Anderson, provides a safe place for the homeless population to come and enjoy breakfast, coffee, juice and fellowship Monday through Saturday (except the last Saturday of the month) from 7:15 – 10:00 a.m. In 2023, from January 1 through November 11 they served 25,729 meals and this year the need is even greater.
When we reached out to Hope Missions to see how Holy Trinity could support their efforts, we learned they were in immediate need of packets of instant oatmeal, instant grits, ground coffee and powdered creamer.
We can support Hope Missions by gathering the following items to send “Breakfast Blessings” their way:

Boxes of Individual Packets of Instant Oatmeal

Boxes of Individual Packets of Instant Grits

Ground Coffee (like Maxwell House, Folgers, etc.)

Powdered Non-Dairy Creamer
We are asking for donations Sunday, February 25 and Sunday, March 3 or during the weeks previous to those dates. Donations may be placed in the gray bin on the table in the room off the narthex. Donated items will be taken to Hope Missions on Tuesday, March 5.
If you have any questions about this project or suggestions for future “Gathering and Giving” projects, please contact Jamie Corrigan at (864) 224-8070 or Leslie Cox at (301) 788-9035.

Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday

On Super Bowl Sunday, on one of the biggest eating days in the U.S., our congregation will be focusing on hunger in our own community. On February 11th the LCY will once again be participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring. The youth will be in the back of the church after both worship services with large soup pots to collect funds which will go to AIM. Your generosity is appreciated. Following the Late Service that day, the LCY will meet in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly meeting and a Super Bowl party of their own.

Weekend Snack Notes of Encouragement


Weekend Snack
Notes of Encouragement
Saturday, February 24, 2024
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Office Conference Room

Childhood hunger is real. In South Carolina, 60% of school-age children qualify for free or reduced breakfast and lunch at school. But what happens on the weekend when these children aren’t in school. The Weekend SnackPack Program, sponsored by the United Way of Anderson County, steps in to fill the gap. Through this program, teachers and guidance counselors at area elementary schools identify children who fall into this weekend hunger gap. On Fridays, each child enrolled in the program receives a bag of child-friendly, ready-to-eat foods to take home for the weekend.
The first thing a child sees when they open their bag is a colorful, handwritten note of encouragement made by volunteers. This note is a simple message to let each child know someone is thinking about them. Over 800 SnackPack bags are distributed weekly – almost 30,000 cards are needed throughout the school year which is why your help in making these cards is greatly needed!
Back, by popular demand, the Service Committee invites you to join us on Saturday, February 24 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Office Conference Room to make notes of encouragement to be included in the Weekend SnackPacks. Supplies and suggestions for making these cards will be furnished. Of course, if you can’t join us that day you can still make the notes on your own. Just keep in mind the messages may not contain any religious references. These messages are distributed to elementary age children who may not be able to read cursive writing, so please print. If you choose to make cards on your own, please leave your completed notes in the designated box on the table in the room off the narthex. The Service Committee will collect these by March 4.
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Corrigan at (864) 224-8070 or
Leslie Cox at (301) 788-9035. We hope to see you Saturday, February 24 10:00-11:00 AM.