Bread Making Workshop
When you receive communion, have you ever wondered what goes into this most special meal? While bread may seem a most basic and simple food, it is actually quite complex from the growing of the wheat to the reactions of the ingredients which cause it to rise into the familiar form we know and love.
On Saturday, April 5th at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, there will be a bread baking workshop. All who would like to learn more about the ingredients and the spiritual process which goes into the bread used for communion here at Holy Trinity are welcome to join us. This will be a hands-on event. No experience is needed. After our loaves are baked, we will join together in fellowship by sharing a simple meal of soup and bread. A sign-up sheet will be in the narthex and the sacristy so we can be sure everyone has the needed supplies. Please contact Amy Goodson if you have any questions.