7/17/22 Weekly Congregational Update
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Blessings this summer day! Here are a few things going on in the congregation: We extend a big Thank You to […]
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But we are proud to say that Paul Wagner contributed 835 entries already.
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Blessings this summer day! Here are a few things going on in the congregation: We extend a big Thank You to […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Just a couple of things to pass along to you this week: We had a great turnout last Saturday to make sandwiches to […]
Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation, Here are a few things of interest for you this day: Last night we had a great turnout for our first […]
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC, Here are a few things to pass along to you: The new Christ in Our Home devotionals for July-September are ready to […]
Saturday Servants Again this year, HTLC will prepare bagged lunches for the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through the Saturday Servants Program. We will begin at 10:00 a.m. Kroger Bakery will […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Here are some things to pass along to you this week: We are still in need of items for Saturday Servants. […]
Our Thanks to those who have contributed through the Lutheran Men in Mission to the SC Loan and Gift Fund. These gifts will be awarded to a new SC Lutheran […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Here are this week’s update to pass along to you: With the volume of water bottles that is expected for Saturday Servants, […]
Attention ALL Ladies of All Ages Save the Date – Saturday, August 6, 2022 – 2:00 PM We’re back after almost 3 years. Please join us for a WELCA gathering […]
TODAY IS PENTECOST SUNDAY Pentecost is significant in both the Old and New Testaments. “Pentecost” is actually the Greek name for a festival known in the Old Testament as the […]