04/22/23 WELCA Spring Foothills Conference
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting the WELCA Spring Foothills Conference in our Fellowship Hall on April 22, 2023 (10:00 am to 12:30 pm). Jane Cahaly will be our […]
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But we are proud to say that Paul Wagner contributed 835 entries already.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting the WELCA Spring Foothills Conference in our Fellowship Hall on April 22, 2023 (10:00 am to 12:30 pm). Jane Cahaly will be our […]
Dear Members and Friends of the congregation, Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you: If you despise seeing trash on the side of the road as […]
LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION SUPPER MEETING PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE Thursday, March 23 6:30 p.m. Dave Phillips, CEO Executive Director of HOPE Mission of the Upstate, will be the speaker. […]
Sunrise Worship with Holy Communion 7:00 a.m. Breakfast to follow Worship Service with Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. CROSS OF FLOWERS Again this year the cross will be outside in front […]
SHARE A HUG IN A MUG! How many of us start the day with a cup of coffee – black, cream, sugar? We often take it for granted, yet for […]
Dear Members and Friends of the Holy Trinity, Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you: 1) On behalf of the Service Committee, thank you so […]
LENT Just a reminder The Forty Days before Easter are the Lenten season. During this time we omit the refrains that are connected to celebrating Christ’s resurrection and we use […]
EASTER LILY ORDER FORM We would like to place Easter Lilies in our windows and on the Chancel steps for the services on Easter Sunday. The cost is $16.00. If […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Blessings on this late Thursday afternoon. Here are a few things I deem important to pass along to you this week concerning […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Here are this week’s updates: On Tuesday, earlier this week, 70+ members of our congregation joined others for a wonderful afternoon/evening at our […]