7/28/24 Weekly Congregational Update
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:
- Pat and I are trying something new in the bulletin to make it easier to follow. Beginning this Sunday, we have moved the Psalm reading off the back cover of the bulletin and have worked it into the liturgy so that you will not have to turn any pages. It is easier said than done as there are several parts of the bulletin that change sizes from week to week (the length of the Psalm and the words to the anthem(s).
- The date of the Deutsches Fest has changed from November 9 to October 5. Please mark your calendars accordingly.
- The Service Committee will be receiving Frozen Casseroles for Calvay Home for Children this Sunday and on August 4. This is a 2-week outreach blitz, just in time for the new school year. All the details are in your bulletin.
- We are very blessed to have as our Guest Preacher Sunday, at both of our worship services, Pastor Hitoshi Adachi. You will recall that he and his wife, Satako, are our missionaries to Japan. Pastor Hitoshi will be preaching on our gospel, John 6:1-21, as well as bringing a personal word of thankfulness to our congregation. I will be leading the remainder of the worship service.
- Thursday of next week, the Dining Divas will gather for their monthly supper outing. This group has grown to having almost 20 women in attendance each month. If you are planning to attend, you will need to RSVP Beth Cribbe so that adequate space can be reserved.
- Our last Saturday Servants for the year will take place this Saturday in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. We will gather to make sandwiches and bagged lunches for those hungry in the Anderson area. We had 35 volunteers on week 1, 20 last Saturday, and are hoping for a few more Saturday.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer