6/11/23 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates:
- We keep in our prayers Whitney Moody who underwent back surgery on Monday and is recuperating at home.
- This coming Sunday, June 11, is the deadline to have your father recognized in the bulletin for Father’s Day. The Lutheran Men in Mission is sponsoring a special offering to be given to the SC Lutheran Men in Mission. You may make a donation, in any amount, In Memory Of or In Honor Of your father. Please fill out the form in the Sunday bulletin or the June newsletter and either place it in the offering plate on Sunday or mailed it back to the church office before then.
- We still have a few T-shirts leftover from our days of participating in Operation Inasmuch. We have (3) Small Adult sizes, (1) Medium Adult size, and (3) Medium Youth sizes. There are located in the sacristy and are yours if you would like them.
- I will be leaving later this morning, with Beth, to attend the SC Synod Assembly in Columbia, until Saturday afternoon. You are asked to keep the Assembly in your prayers and ask God’s Spirit to be among all delegates.
- I am happy to report that the front door lock has been repaired and is now accepting the digital code as well as the key, if you have one.
- Sunday I will be preaching on the gospel text, Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 as we explore the touch of Jesus involved in his healing, as well as the importance of touch in the world today.
- Next week Pat will be on vacation. We are thankful for Diane Richardson who will be in the office taking phone calls, etc.
- If you picked up a “flower” as part of the Nursery “Flowers in Bloom” project, all items need to be dropped off at the church by Father’s Day, June 18. As of this morning, 29 nursery items have been given! All nursery items are to be placed in the Church Office Parlor.
- We will again be making sandwiches during the month of July as part of Saturday Servants to be given out at the Anderson Soup Kitchen. As we have done in years past, we are now collecting needed food items. Each week an updated tally will be listed in the bulletin as well as in my email. We currently need the following:
- 540 individual snack size bags of salty snacks (pretzels or chips, etc.)
- 9 jars of peanut butter (40 oz. size)
- 8 jars of grape jelly (16 oz. size)
- 3 jars of mayonnaise (32 oz. size)
- 76 boxes of Little Debbie Cakes (any size)
- 500 bottles of water (16 oz. plastic bottles)
- Note: food items can be dropped off in the room off the narthex while the bottled water should be dropped off in the Fellowship Hall kitchen.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer