4/30/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


On this wet and dreary day, I send you greetings!  Here are this week’s updates:


  1. The church newsletter, The Messenger, was mailed out yesterday.  Hopefully, your copy will arrive soon.

  2. We keep in our thoughts and prayers, Bill and Chris Dafoe, and other family members, on the unexpected death of their son, Eric Dafoe.

  3. We also keep in our prayers, George Mason, who underwent successful open-heart surgery yesterday at AnMed.

  4. This coming Sunday, with it being a 5th Sunday, we will have One-Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.  The Youth of the congregation will be leading the worship service and I will be preaching.  After the service, we will gather in Fellowship Hall for a Pot Luck meal.  Please bring a dish to share.

  5. The theme of our worship service Sunday will be Shepherd Sunday.  With that in mind,  I will be preaching on our gospel reading, John 10:1-10, and from Luke 15:8-10, as well as Psalm 23. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer