07/03/22 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation,


Here are a few things of interest for you this day:


  1. Last night we had a great turnout for our first Summer Fun Night with 45 gathered in Fellowship Hall.  We began with a supper of hotdogs, watermelon slices, chips and a bucket of snack food. Our theme was The Creation Story.  We sang: “He’s God The Whole World In His Hands,” and “This Is My Father’s World,” and “For the Beauty of the Earth.”  We then heard again the Creation Story as we acted out our parts, followed by a Creation Scavenger Hunt and a Craft time of painting clay pots and then planting seeds in them.  Come join our next Summer Fun Night on Wednesday, July 13.

  2. The July/August Messenger was mailed out earlier today.  Hopefully your copy will arrive in the mail soon.

  3. This coming Saturday, July 2 will be our first Saturday Servants Event.  We now have all the needed items donated.  All we need now is YOU!  We would like to have 15-20 each week to help make sandwiches and lunch bags for the hungry in the Anderson area.  We will gather at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Please DO NOT come early so that we have enough for all to do.  The making of the sandwiches takes about 30-45 minutes. Then for those who would like to participate, about 5-6 of us will go over to the Anderson Soup Kitchen to give out the food at 11:00 a.m.  This will take about 20-30 minutes.  There is no Sign Up sheet.  Simply show up Saturday morning. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Cox, our Service Committee Chair, at 301-788-9035.

  4. To be honest with you, I did not feel pulled to preach on any of the texts assigned for this Sunday.  After a few days of struggle, I decided to preach on the theme of July 4, specifically, freedom and civility.  Much of the music for Sunday is patriotic.  I hope you will join us as we celebrate the blessings of our great nation.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer