05/15/22 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • Mary Ann Hobbs and Claude Calloway have been busy in our Prayer Garden, thinning out our Irises earlier today.  If you are interested in some yellow Irises, help yourself.  There are lots of them, underneath the van carport.  They are all lonely and are looking for a good home.

  • Sunday, we will celebrate with Mara Weeks and her family upon receiving her First Communion at the Late Service.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the First Reading, Acts 11:1-18, which is a very unusual reading.  Please read over this ahead of time and see where the Holy Spirit leads you.  This usual passage requires an usual sermon title: “God’s Bouncer or God’s Ambassador?”
    Thoughts to ponder:

    • What is the role of a bouncer?
    • How do we sometimes play the role of a bouncer when it comes to matters of faith?
    • When are we ambassadors of Christ?
    • What does this strange passage tell us in our treatment of others?


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer