03/27/22 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates:
- The web bulletin I sent you earlier today is in error. The Luther’s Ladies Circle will be providing the meal for Wednesday’s Lenten supper, not the Katie’s Ladies.
- Beginning Sunday we will be returning to most all of our Children’s activities in the congregation, including:
- A Children’s Sermon each Sunday
- The Children’s Choir practices – led by Beth Cribbe
- Providing a nursery for each Sunday worship service – with Marijane Coggins as our nursery keeper.
- Sunday, I will be preaching on the Parable of the Prodigal Son, from our Gospel text, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32. I encourage you to read this over as a devotional before then and think in what ways we are like the oldest son in this story.
- Don’t forget that all projects for our Operation Inasmuch will come to an end on April 2! It is still not too late to be a part of these ministries. We currently have 13 signed up to participate in the Litter Pick Up, which is great! And thank you for responding to our need for more to participate in providing a casserole for the Calvary Home for Children. We now have 17 signed up! We have 7 who have agreed to write notes of encouragement for the SnackPack Program. And thank you for the generous donations to the United Way’s Middle School Market Program and Clean Start. Again, the last day to drop of donations is Saturday, April 2. Just let yourself into the church using the code for the front door.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer