Easter Lily orders

We would like to place Easter Lilies in our windows and on the Chancel steps for
the services on Easter Sunday. The cost is $15.00. If you desire to place an order
for one or more lilies, please use the form below. Fill in the information and place it
in the offering plate or mail it to the church office as soon as possible. The deadline
is April 10th.
Note: Payment must accompany your order.
Enclosed is $_____________________
For______________ Lilies
In Memory of__________________________________________________
In Honor of____________________________________________________
Other (To the Glory of God)_____________________________________
Given by______________________________________________________
Because 35 lilies must be special ordered from Whitten’s to have them arrive at their peak for Easter,
they will be assigned on a first-ordered, first-served basis. When 35 have been assigned, no more can
be purchased. Thanks for your understanding.
The Worship and Music Committee

You can download a print friendly version by clicking on the link below

Easter Lily order form 2022