9/6/20 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
It is here! We are finally about to return to in-person worship in the sanctuary. I realize that this is not an option for those uncomfortable being in crowds, due to COVID-19, but for others, it is a long time in waiting. For those planning to attend worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, please keep in mind the following as you enter the church:
- You are strongly encouraged to wear a mask. Masks will be provided at the door, if you need one.
- You may enter either through the front doors or the ramp door.
- An offering plate will be at each door to receive your tithes and offerings.
- We will be using every other pew, making sure to sit on the ends of each pew.
- Seats will be marked with a bulletin of possibilities where you might sit.
- The ushers will assist in the process.
- Holy Communion will be served at both worship services using wafers, and not bread.
- We will not be gathering at the altar, but instead, a Communion station will be on the floor level.
- I will be reviewing all the worship and Communion instructions in the announcements so please be on time.
I will be preaching on the timely topic of settling differences. In preparation for this, I ask you to read over and pray over the Gospel text, Matthew 18:15-20. Please ask yourself these questions as you read:
- What does Jesus say we are to do with those who sin against us?
- What are the steps?
- Are these steps only for settling disagreements in the church?
- What would our nation/our world look like if we all practiced the words of Jesus in settling our disputes/disagreements with each other?
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer