Weekly Congregational Updates 07/05/20

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are a few items of interest to pass along to you:


  1. Yes, it is finally here!  Don’t forget this Sunday, July 5, we will be returning to in-person worship services.  These will of course be modified worship services due to COVID-19.  A 8:45 AM and a 11:00 AM service will be offered in Fellowship Hall for those comfortable to be in the presence of others during this pandemic time.  Holy Communion will be offered at both services.  The wearing of masks is strongly encouraged but is not required.
  2. If you are wondering what the seating arrangements will look like inside Fellowship Hall, please see the attached photo.  You will notice that we have 19 clusters of two chairs.  The Ushers will greet you at the door and adjust the number of chairs needed for you.
  3. Please note, if you are planning on attending the 8:45 AM worship service, you are asked to arrive a few minutes early.  This service will be recorded for our website link so I will be giving Holy Communion instructions at 8:40 before we begin recording.   These procedures are slightly different from what we have done in the past.
  4. The Health Ministry Team met last week and created a policy for cleaning between the worship services.  For those attending the 11:00 AM worship service, the surfaces will be wiped down after the Early Service.
  5. We keep in our thoughts and prayers Phil Cahaly and family upon the death of his brother Edward.
  6. I wanted to inform you that Elaine Rummage is under the care of Hospice at the Rainey Hospice House.  We keep Paul and the family in our prayers during this difficult time.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer