Weekly Congregational Update 06/07/20
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,
Here are some things worth noting:
- Please check the bulletin each week for a current list of needed food items for Saturday Servants. Shirley Ebert sends me an update on Thursday morning.
- You may drop off items in the room off the narthex using the front church door.
- Bob and Jean Vinson will be returning home on Monday, after spending several months at The Garden House.
- I am saddened to inform you of the death of Hattie Lever on 06/04/20. For many years Hattie was a devoted WELCA leader, member of our congregation, and community volunteer . You are encouraged to keep her five children, and other family members, in your prayers
- Please be aware of email or text scams out there requesting gift cards. Several of you have been contacted by someone claiming to be me or other pastors in the area. I will never request a gift card from you and if you ever have doubts on the authenticity of the request, simply ask that person to give you a call.
- This Sunday is Trinity Sunday.
- I will be preaching on the theme, “A Holy Kiss.” In preparation for Sunday’s message, research “kiss” in the Bible.
- In the Word of God, the holy kiss was a sign of love, respect, friendship, and honor. Some biblical references include:
- Jacob kissed his father – Genesis 27:27
- Laban kissed Joseph – Genesis 29:13
- Esau kissed Jacob – Genesis 33:4
- Joseph kissed his brethren – Genesis 45:15
- Aaron kissed Moses – Exodus 4:27
- Moses kissed Jethro – Exodus 18:7
- Naomi kissed Ruth and Orpah – Ruth 1:9
- David kissed Jonathan – I Samuel 20:41
- The father kissed the prodigal son – Luke 15:20
- Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss – Luke 22:47-48
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer