9/8/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • No doubt by now, if you have been at the church in the last week or two, you have noticed how beautiful the landscaping is around our front parking lot (see attached photos).  Contrary to popular belief,  we do not have any church elves running around but we do have Claude Calloway.  For the past several weeks Claude has worked tirelessly in redoing our entire front areas including: putting down an irrigation system, laying down landscaping material, then hauling in rock and mulch.  When you see Claude, please give him a big “Thank You!”

  • Congratulations to Jonathan Dickson and Lacy Miller who were united in Holy Matrimony this past Sunday, September 1, in Charleston. Jonathan is the son of Sandi and the late John Dickson. Even though Jonathan is not a member of our congregation,  many of you will know him as our saxophonist at our 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service the past several years, while Lacy sang a solo this past year on Christmas Eve.  We pray God’s blessings upon them in their new life together!

  • Michael Oates underwent successful surgery earlier today to remove one of his kidneys.  We keep him in our prayers.

  • We keep John Stricker in our prayers as well, as he continues his stay at AnMed for colon issues.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on The Wideness Of God’s Mercy, based on the gospel text, Mark 7:24-37.

  • You are invited to gather with us Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall to kick off a new Sunday School year with a Rally Day celebration.  Breakfast will be served at 10:00 a.m.  We will have some songs and fun activities for all ages.  Come join us!

  • Our next Family Fun Night will take place on Wednesday, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Supper will be provided.  We will be focusing on:  “Birds Of The Air.”

  • I am happy to report that Carter Boucher and Diana James have moved back to Anderson!  They are former members and we look forward to them rejoining our church family. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer