9/29/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • First of all, please know that I keep you all in my prayers in this time of uncertainty with the weather.  Let’s remember to pray for all who are in the path of Helene.

  • A big Thank You for your generosity this past Sunday as $645.00 was given to support the Gideon Bible ministry.

  • A big Thank You as well for your outpouring of hygiene donations for our Hope and Hygiene Drive, we concluded this past Sunday. Photos will be in the October Messenger.

  • Speaking of the October Messenger, it was mailed out earlier today.

  • The front edge of the steps of the church were painted earlier this week with a darker color to help with the contrast.  The Property Committee has realized that after having them painted gray, it has been a little difficult to see each step individually.  This should help a lot.  Please see photo below.
  • After receiving five days of respite care at the Rainey Hospice House, Warren Lutz is now at the Memory Care unit of Dominion, room 138.

  • We have a lot going on Sunday morning, including:
    • Falling on September 29, it will be Michael and All Angels Sunday.

    • With it being a 5th Sunday, we will have One Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

    • It is WELCA Sunday.  Deacon Dallas Shealy will be bringing us greeting from the South Carolina Retreat Centers as well as God’s Word.

    • We will be blessing the quilts that have been recently made by the Quilting Group.

    • After worship, we will gather in Fellowship Hall for a Potluck Meal.  Chicken will be provided by the church.  Please bring a dish or two to share.

    • During the meal, the Youth will be presenting highlights from their recent trip to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.  Come and support our Youth.

  • Sunday is the final day to purchase Deutsches Fest tickets.  If you still need tickets, please see a Church Council member Sunday.  You are reminded that all funds raised will be given to Meals on Wheels of Anderson this year.  


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer