8/4/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are these week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • A big “Thank You” for the wonderful participation we had for our final week of Saturday Servants.  We had 33 show up this past Saturday, the 2nd largest number ever, to make sandwiches!  The Lord was definitely with us as we distributed the food to those hungry.  As you can imagine, we never know how much to prepare for, but we had just enough.  And while I am at it, thank you to all who donated food items through the weeks, picked up bread and fruit, made arrangements for donated water bottles, set up tables, did the kitchen preparation, and we thank Leslie Cox and Jamie Corrigan for organizing our events this year.   I actually had one woman ask me while we were packing up to leave, “Will your group be back next Saturday.”  To which I replied, “No ma’am.  But another church will be here.”  She was deeply touched by the generosity of our congregation.  Again, thank you to all who helped make this year’s Saturday Servants event to run so smoothly.

  • Our next Family Fun Night will be Wednesday as we take a look at Joseph’s Coat.  With the return of school, please note that we meet 30 minutes earlier, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

  • We will be receiving New Members on Sunday, August 11!

  • The Learning Committee will soon be kicking off a new Sunday School year and is making plans to begin a new Sunday School class for our younger children, ages 3-5th grade.  More information to come.

  • We are grateful to have Diane Richardson sitting in the office next week, filling in for Pat as she takes some time off.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer