8/2/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Just a couple of things to pass along to you:


  1. Many of us look forward to receiving Holy Communion this Sunday, with it being the first Sunday of the month.  If you find yourself uncomfortable being with crowds during this time of COVID-19, let me know and we can schedule a time for you to join me in the sanctuary for private Communion.   I will wear my mask, if needed.
  2. Sunday, I will be preaching on the story of the Feeding of the 5,000, recorded in Matthew 14:13-21. 
  3. For a devotion, see how Matthew’s version differs from what is recorded in Mark, Luke and John.
  4. I am often asked how does a minister preach on the same story or text every three years?  The short answer is the Holy Spirit.  I think we have all read a passage over and over age, and God speaks to us differently each time, partly because the situations of life have changed and partly because we have changed.  For instance, what is meaningful to you as you read this passage from Matthew?  How is God speaking to you?  Here are possible (sermon) themes on this text:
    1. Why would the crowds want to travel with Jesus over the countryside?
    2. How does the compassion of Jesus play a key role in this story?
    3. What is our role in God’s work around us?
    4. How did the generosity and unselfishness of the little boy play a key role in this story?
    5. What do we do in times of facing the impossible challenges of life?


I pray to see you Sunday at worship or you see me at worship via the internet,

Pastor Fischer