7/24/22 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


A few updates to pass along to you this week include:


  1. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, August 7, as we will be hosting a birthday drop-in for the congregation for Ms. Jackie McConnell from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall that morning in between the worship services.  Ms. Jackie will be turning 100 years of age on August 9!  No gifts please.  Instead, your presence and perhaps a birthday card are the only things requested that day.

  2. This Saturday, we will again be gathering in Fellowship Hall to make sandwiches and lunch bags for those hungry in the Anderson area.  We begin at 10:00 a.m.

  3. Sunday, for our sermon message, we will take a look at Luke 11:1-13, and prayer.  I ask you to read, not only that passage, but our Old Testament passage as well [Genesis 18:20-32].  Questions to ponder:
    1. Why was this Old Testament text selected as a reading?
    2. What does this text tell us about God?
    3. What does this text have to do with the Lord’s Prayer?
    4. How does our view of God affect our prayer life?


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer