7/18/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation,


Some weekly updates to pass along to you:


  1. We were very grateful to have Dave Rasche back among us this past Sunday at the Late Service, as he continues to recover from his stroke. 
  2. We keep Jill Helgeson, and her family, in our thoughts and prayers upon the death of her brother, Gene Cromer. 
  3. We will gather in Fellowship Hall on this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall to make sandwiches and food bags for the hungry in the Anderson area, through our Saturday Servants project.  Come join us! 
  4. The Lord has blessed us as we continue to grow.  Sunday, we will be baptizing Abi Caldwell at the Early Service, and then sisters – Lacy, Faith and Riley Bernhardt at the Late Service. 
  5. After completing his First Communion classes with me, we will be welcoming Michael Caruso to the Lord’s Table, at the Late Service on Sunday. 
  6. I will be preaching on the gospel reading this week, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56, as we hear our Lord tell his apostles and us, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” 
  7. We are grateful for Diane Richardson, who filled in for Pat in the church office this week.  Thank you Diane!



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer