6/9/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • The list of birthdays and wedding anniversaries failed to get into the June edition of The Messenger.  We mistakenly printed May’s lists.  Those celebrating special days in this month are listed below.

  • I am happy to inform you that Jean Vinson has returned home from NHC.

  • We keep in our prayers, Sandi Dickson and family, upon the death of her mother,  Marie Gilley.  She was 101.

  • Sunday is the last day to make a special offering to Lutheran Men in Mission, In Honor Of or In Memory Of your father.  All names will be printed in the bulletin on Father’s Day.  Please fill out the form in your bulletin or newsletter and drop it in the offering plate, or mail it to the Church Office.

  • Is getting older a good thing or a bad thing?  Sunday I will be peaching on the Second Reading, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, as we explore what it means to grower older in the Lord.

  • Vacation Bible School begins on Monday for children 3 years of age and up, to those in the 5th grade. It runs at our church from 9:00-11:30 a.m. each day.  If you have not registered and are still interested, please reach out to Kate Roehrs.

  • Make sure your voice is heard!  Make sure to make the time to vote on Tuesday!

  • On Wednesday we return to our Summer Fun Night, beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Please notice the later time with the summer upon us.

  • A big “Thank You” to all who purchased plants for our new Prayer Garden design.  All plants have been spoken for!  If you picked out a plant, and did not inform the Prayer Garden Committee with the following information, please make sure you:  1) give Anna Caldwell the name of the person you would like listed In Memory Of or In Honor Of, and 2) let Anna know of what plant you selected.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer





Elizabeth Thompson             6/3

Brian Jones                           6/5

Tom Weeks                           6/5

Rynde Dial                            6/8

Beth Cribbe                           6/8

Michael Caruso                     6/9

Connie Adams                      6/13

John Lybrand                       6/13

Bobbi Metz                          6/14

Ryan Straup                          6/17

George Bannister                 6/18

Jean Vinson                          6/21

Jamie Corrigan                     6/23

Dave Rasche                        6/25

Landen Moody                     6/26

Linda Blackwelder               6/29




Chad & Kristie Evans              6/7

Paul & Diane Wagner              6/8

Robert & Vicki Allen             6/13

Dave & Diane Harrow           6/14

Mike & Bobbi Metz               6/15

Joshua & Christina Fischer    6/18

Tom & Kathy Weeks             6/18

Matt & Kate Roehrs               6/19

Terry & Beth Cribbe              6/23