6/23/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • We have finally finished printing our new Congregational Pictorial Directory.  You will recall that we asked you to update your photo on Easter Sunday.  These directories are ready to be picked up in the narthex at your convenience.   Please note that each household’s copy has a name written on the front cover.  If for some reason yours is missing or you would like an additional copy, there is a stack of these as well in the narthex. Help yourself.

  • I am excited to report that Pastor Hitoshi Adachi, our Japanese missionary we have been supporting financially as a congregation the last couple of years, will be visiting the United States and worshipping with us on July 28 (both services) to express his gratitude to us.  (Unfortunately, his wife, Satako, will not be making the trip with him.)  I have a very unusual request of you.  We are looking for someone in the congregation to host him on Sunday evening.   He will be leaving Monday morning to drive to Columbia to visit with our bishop and staff.  In case you are wondering, Pastor Hitoshi speaks fluent English and even lived in California for some of his training/schooling.    If you are interested in doing this or have any questions, please send me a REPLY so that I can reach out to you.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Mark 4:35-41, of Jesus calming the stormy seas as we explore the question, does our Lord care for us?

  • We are getting closer to our Saturday Servants event in July where we, as a congregation, feed the hungry in the Anderson area.  As of this morning, we have everything donated we need except the following:
    • 6 jars of mayonnaise (32 oz. size)
    • 65 boxes of Little Debbie cakes (individually wrapped)
    • 662 individual snack-size bags of salty snacks (chips, pretzels, goldfish, etc.)

             There is a container in the room off the narthex to collect these things.

  • Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday to make your voice heard.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer