6/16/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

⦁ Sorry for the delay in sending you these updates and for Sunday’s bulletin. We had computer issues in the office on Thursday.

⦁ We keep the family of Linda Blackwelder in our prayers upon her recent death. Linda died at home, under the loving care of Interim Hospice. With most of the family living in North Carlina, they have decided not to have a memorial service locally.

⦁ We keep Lauren Guthre in our prayers upon her recent hip surgery. She is at home recuperating.

⦁ The new Christ In Our Home devotionals are now ready to be picked up in the narthex. This latest edition is for July, August and September.

⦁ We had 30 to attend our Wednesday evening’s Summer Fun Night! We enjoyed chicken fingers, salad, watermelon, chips and ice cream as we learned about Deborah’s role as God’s servant as prophet and judge. Our next event will be July 10.

⦁ With Father’s Day upon us this coming Sunday, we will be recognizing all of our fathers with us in worship, during the announcements. I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Mark 4:26-34.

⦁ Sunday, as is my Father’s Day tradition, in memory of my father as a Lutheran pastor, I will be wearing his worship alb, stole, and cross necklace.

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer