4/4/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are some updates to pass along to you about upcoming events in the congregation:


  1. Operation Inasmuch Update: To date we have 9 people signed up to bake casseroles for Calvary Children’s Home, 8 signed up to bake cookies for local First Responders and 14 signed up to pick up litter.  If you are interested in taking part of any of these projects, please see your April Messenger for the details and then sign up in the room off the Narthex.

  2. Little by little folks are trickling back to worship.  This past Sunday, Palm Sunday, was our largest turnout yet since COVID struck.  We had 46 at the Early Service and 51 at the Late Service for a total of 97!

  3. From the Church Council Call Tree, here are the numbers of those who have indicated they are planning to attend one of Easter Sunday worship services and some thoughts:

    1. 7:00 a.m. – 44, 9:00 a.m. – 65, 11:00 a.m. –65

    2. Using every other pew, and spreading out the seats, we have figured our seating capacity to be around 50-55, give or take, depending on the size of the families attending.

    3. We would like to shift some of our numbers from the 9:00 a.m. and the 11:00 a.m. service over to the 7:00 a.m. service.  If you would be willing to change your worship time, please send me an email.

    4. We will not be turning anyone away from worship.

    5. If you have any concerns about being around others, you should not be in attendance on Easter Sunday.

    6. All of our COVID safety protocols will continue to be in place for worship, until further notice.

    7. One of our Easter worship services will be recorded and placed onto the church website.

  4. For those returning to worship for the first time since the pandemic began, the question is usually, “Where do I sit?”  The answer:  all the pews/seats we will be using for that particular service will be marked with bulletins.  We use both ends of the pews, leaving the middle unoccupied, and we use every other pew.


Looking forward with eager anticipation to celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday with you,

Pastor Fischer