4/21/24 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:
- I am happy to report that Lydia Caldwell returned home this afternoon after successful back surgery.
- Through the years many of you have heard me make reference to the Shroud of Turin (the possible burial cloth of Jesus). Even though our Chrisitan faith is not dependent on whether this piece of cloth is authentic or not, I think you will have a deeper sense of the crucifixion wounds of Christ through this link (shared with me from one of our members): Is this the image of Jesus Christ? The Shroud of Turin brought to life | EWTN News In Depth
- On Tuesday of this week the Statements of Giving went out electronically for the very first time. If you did not receive your copy or if you prefer a printed copy instead, please contact Pat in the church office so she can follow up with appropriate action.
- The worship theme for Sunday will be Shepherd Sunday, where much of the music, scripture readings and sermon will focus on Jesus Christ as our good shepherd, based on our gospel reading, John 10:11-18.
- The Lutheran Men In Mission will gather for their monthly supper meeting on Monday evening, 6:00 p.m.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer