3/6/22 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation,

This week’s items to pass along to you:

  1. Several of you have indicated that you have received an email from me stating that there was something we needed to discuss.   Evidently, someone has hacked into my computer.  Please ignore.  Also, be mindful that I will NEVER ask you for money or a gift card using an email.  If ever in doubt of its authenticity, contact me. 
  2. Signups for our Operation Inasmuch project begins this Sunday, March 6, in the room off the narthex.  In your March Messenger and each Sunday’s bulletin, is a blub about each of the five projects we have this year.  One of our new projects is United Way’s Middle School Market Program.  This is a new program which provides a food pantry in each middle school to feed needy students.  The following items are needed:  Peanut butter, Jelly, Cereal, Oatmeal, Pop Tarts, Mac and Cheese, Spaghettios, Apple Sauce and Crackers.   Any food size or type is acceptable.  Donated items should be placed in the designated box located in the room off the narthex by April 2. 
  3. On Wednesday, March 9, our Lenten supper (our first congregational meal in two years) will take place at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The Youth will be providing the meal.  Our Lenten worship service will follow at 7:00 p.m. when we will explore “Rejected Stones.” 
  4. Jane Cahaly will be sponsoring a Zoom Bible study using Dr. David Jeremiah’s presentation, The God You May Not Know. Classes will be on Monday nights, beginning March 14 from 7:00-8:30 p.m.  You can sign up for the class by contacting Jane at janecahaly@gmail.com. For all the details, please see the bulletin. 
  5. Sunday, I will be preaching on our gospel text, Luke 4:1-13, to see how Jesus handled temptation and how that might assist us in ours. 
  6. We keep in our prayers Elizabeth Fogle and her family, upon the death of her father, David Summers, Jr.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer