3/2/25 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

(1) If you have not heard, we have a new T-shirt design we have created for our congregation so that as you are out and about the community, others may see where we worship and serve.  See attachments above for photos.  The order form is in each Sunday Bulletin and will be in the March newsletter.

The deadline to place your order is March 16.

(2) Speaking of the March Messenger, it was mailed out earlier today.

(3) For those who have worked on Encouragement Cards for the SnackPack program, you are asked to place your completed cards in the container in the

room off the narthex.  

(4) Congratulations to Joejee Jameson and Jamie Bailey who were married on February 22. We pray God’s blessings upon their new life together.

(5) Congratulations to Paul and Diane Wagner on the birth of their grandson, Daniel Jones Wagner, born earlier this afternoon, to Daniel and Rachel Wagner.

(6) Sunday will be Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday, as we hear the scripture of Jesus going up on the mountain to encounter God when our Lord’s face is changed to a dazzling white.  I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 9:28-43.

(7) Our Annual Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will take place next Tuesday, March 4 at Boulevard Baptist Church, from 4:30-7:00 p.m.  Drop in anytime you like to eat that is convenient for you and your family.  Tickets will be available again Sunday after both worship services.

(8 Please keep in mind that our Anglican friends will be using our Fellowship Hall that afternoon for their Pancake Supper.

(9) We begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday next week, March 5.  We are offering two identical worship services, one at 12:00 noon and one at

7:00 p.m.  Both will have the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. 

(10) It is a common Lenten practice to “give up” something for the 40 days of Lent, symbolizing a form of fasting. This might include abstaining from certain foods, habits, or luxuries, creating space to focus on spiritual growth. Alternatively, many choose to “take up” new disciplines, such as daily prayer, scripture reading, giving to a charity, or acts of service, fostering a deeper connection with God and others. These practices are not about earning God’s favor but are intended to draw us nearer to the Lord as we reflect on Christ’s sacrifice.


In Christ,

Pastor Ficher