8/11/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s highlights:


  • A big “Thank You” goes out to Diane Richardson for filling in as our secretary this week.  Pat returns to the office on Monday morning.

  • The Memorial Service for Kathy Weeks is tomorrow, Friday, at 1:00 p.m. in our sanctuary.

  • Tomorrow, Ms. Jackie McConnell will be celebrating her 102nd birthday!

  • We rejoice that we will be receiving Joby Hefner, Michelle Nelson, and Patrick Sayers as new members at Sunday’s 8:45 a.m. worship service.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the Second Reading from Ephesians 4:25-5:2, as we focus on Paul’s words of encouragement to live a life as those marked with the Holy Spirit.

  • Finally, as your pastor, I would like to take this opportunity to share an observance/concern I have.  The church attendance for the Late Service , the past 3 Sundays, has been subpar.  Normally, our attendance numbers are near 50 for both worship services, but since July 21, our attendance has been low at the Late Service, the lowest I have ever seen – 39, 29, and this past Sunday 31. (In case you are wondering, the attendance at the Early Service has been holding steady.)  I realize that these are the summer months when vacations have been in full swing, in fact, my family and I were away this past Sunday.   I realize that we have had visiting pastors the past two Sundays.  I also realize that things come up from time to time.  Now that school is back in session and summer is winding down, it I my sincere hope that these latest numbers are not the new norm for our Late Service but instead, that our attendance numbers will now rebound to their former levels.  I encourage you and your family to make every effort to be with us each Sunday (at both worship services).  You may sometimes think you will not be missed, but nothing could be further from the truth. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


We continue our monthly summer gatherings in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun &
Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There will
be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.

WHEN: Wednesday, August 7 5:30 –7:00 p.m. (Please note date change.)


Saturday Servant Update

Thank You Saturday Servants!!!

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has always been there for their neighbors in need and July was no exception. For three Saturdays in July, we met to make peanut butter and jelly and bologna and cheese sandwiches. In assembly-line fashion, we packed bags with fruit, cookies/cakes, and chips. At the end of the month we had made 429 bagged lunches which contained a lunch for Saturday and a lunch for Sunday. That is 858 sandwiches, not to mention the additional peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that were made! Many volunteers were needed to accomplish this task, from those who did the prep-work in the kitchen, those who made the sandwiches and worked the assembly line, to the individuals who traveled to the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen to distribute the lunches to our neighbors.

Costs were kept low as a result of local business donations of bread, water, a discount in fruit costs, your food donations and a Thrivent Grant and monetary gifts.

Great job HTLC Saturday Servants! Many thanks to you for your donation of your time, goods, and financial support to feed our hungry neighbors in Anderson.

Many Thanks,

The Service Committee

8/4/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are these week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • A big “Thank You” for the wonderful participation we had for our final week of Saturday Servants.  We had 33 show up this past Saturday, the 2nd largest number ever, to make sandwiches!  The Lord was definitely with us as we distributed the food to those hungry.  As you can imagine, we never know how much to prepare for, but we had just enough.  And while I am at it, thank you to all who donated food items through the weeks, picked up bread and fruit, made arrangements for donated water bottles, set up tables, did the kitchen preparation, and we thank Leslie Cox and Jamie Corrigan for organizing our events this year.   I actually had one woman ask me while we were packing up to leave, “Will your group be back next Saturday.”  To which I replied, “No ma’am.  But another church will be here.”  She was deeply touched by the generosity of our congregation.  Again, thank you to all who helped make this year’s Saturday Servants event to run so smoothly.

  • Our next Family Fun Night will be Wednesday as we take a look at Joseph’s Coat.  With the return of school, please note that we meet 30 minutes earlier, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

  • We will be receiving New Members on Sunday, August 11!

  • The Learning Committee will soon be kicking off a new Sunday School year and is making plans to begin a new Sunday School class for our younger children, ages 3-5th grade.  More information to come.

  • We are grateful to have Diane Richardson sitting in the office next week, filling in for Pat as she takes some time off.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer