11/7/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Some things of interest to pass along to you this week:

  1. Sunday, we will be celebrating All Saints Day, and remembering specifically those who had died in the church since last years All Saints Day, as well as those who have gone on to be with the Lord.

  2. We plan to have the Angel Tree up for the first time on Sunday as well.  Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the list of gifts from AIM that need to be purchased by the congregation.  All families are interviewed each year to determine needs.  When we receive the list of gifts, we will let you know as soon as possible.  Thank you for your understanding.

  3. There is a Sign Up sheet in the narthex for the Congregational Advent Wreath Workshop.  We will gather on Sunday, November 28, which is the first Sunday in Advent to make wreaths.  See the details in your Messenger.   You do need to sign up for this event so that we can order enough wreath material for all.

  4. Next Sunday, November 14, is our Semi-Annual Congregational meeting.  These meetings will take place during each worship service, just like we did last year, due to COVID.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


Our church office has not been able to receive email since Tuesday afternoon.

Please contact the church office by church office by phone or text message to Pastor Fischer.  Thank you.