2/7/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Several things to pass along to you:

  1. With the extra printing of the Annual Reports last week we are a little behind in The Messenger.  The newsletter was mailed out today.
  2. The Souper Bowl of Caring will be this Sunday, giving you the opportunity to “vote” for your favorite Super Bowl team on the way out of worship.  All monies given will go toward the work of AIM.  There will be two pots in the narthex.

  3. You are asked to keep in your prayers Anita Brady and family upon the death of her husband, Scott, who died yesterday afternoon.

  4. The new Lenten devotionals are in the narthex.  Please limit one per household.

  5. Sunday I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Mark 1:29-39.  We will be focusing on the importance of having a place of solitude while in prayer.


Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, either in worship or over the internet.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer