Mark your Calendars

Operation INASMUCH  Saturday March 30th

Lutheroad/VBS June 24th to 28th


Further details to come

Walking with Jesus

Walking With Jesus
The New Year has come and gone but how about your resolutions? Did they include improving health and moving more? Do you need help sticking with these plans? Beginning Saturday, March 9th and running through April 13th, (excluding March 31″,) we will meet each week at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall to review the Bible study and to learn about “whole person health”. Then we will walk together as a group around the neighborhoods of the church. We will also have a group of “Parking Lot Pedestrians” who may want to join us but have limited mobility. This group will also learn simple chair and balance exercises. On March 31st, each participant is encouraged to take their increased movement on the road to work on an OIAM project of their choice. As we transition into the Lenten Season, we are encouraged to pray and study God’s Word. As we journey towards Good Friday and the cross, what a wonderful time to re-trace the actual footsteps of Jesus as he traveled with his ministry as we work to grow stronger in mind, body, and spirit. If you would like to join us, sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Please contact Amy Goodson, FCN, if you have any questions.