2/16/25 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • I am happy to report that the response to last Sunday’s “Souper Bowl of Caring” was the largest amount ever given by the congregation.  Thank you for generously giving $761.00.  In case you are wondering, the Eagles received $545.00 and the Chiefs received $216.00 but the real winners will be AIM, who will receive all donations.

  • We now have the Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake tickets.  They will be available on Sunday morning, or if you prefer, you can stop by the office new week and see Pat as well for the tickets.  They are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children.  If you would like to write a check, make it out to Holy Trinity and put “Pancake Tickets” in the memo.  The money raised will be divided between KIND Ministries and Mental Health America of Anderson, County.

  • The new Lenten devotional, “Savior Servant Friend” by A. Trevor Sutton, will be available beginning Sunday.  Please limit the copies to one per household.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on our Old Testament reading, Jeremiah 17:5-10, as we compare the two different kinds of plants mentioned by the prophet.

  • Sandi Jordan will soon be doing a deep-cleaning on the Fellowship Hall kitchen.  If you are willing to help, please contact her at: 864-940-6334.

  • Please update your new church directory with Patrick and Lauren Sayers’ phone numbers.  Somehow, we listed the wrong info.  Lauren’s cell is: 215-589-9647.  Patrick’s cell is: 585-957-0970.

  • The Luther’s Ladies Circle will gather next Thursday at 6:00 p.m. for their monthly meeting.

  • The Service Committee is sponsoring an event to make note cards of encouragement for the SnackPack program.  If you are interested in being a part of this outreach ministry to the kids in the Anderson school area,  this will take place next Saturday, February 22, from 10:00-11:00 AM in the Office Conference Room.  Or you can make cards on your own at home.  All supplies will be provided as well as sample cards.  See your newsletter or bulletin for all the details.

  • Saturday of next week, my wife, Beth, will begin a monthly gathering for those interested in getting together to work on hobbies (scrapbooking, cross stitching, knitting,  crocheting, etc.) in Fellowship Hall.  A time will be set aside, as well as tables and you would bring your craft to work on. If interested, you can call her for more information at 864-933-7446.

  • We keep in our prayers:
    • Sharon Christmas – surgery
    • Jean Vinson – gall bladder surgery

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer