12/8/24 Weekly Congregational Update
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:
- A big “Thank You” to all who participated in the Angel Tree project this year. Together we were able to provide 60 gifts to children in the Anderson area. As you can see in the photo below, this was a very successful outreach project to those in our community.
- There is a Congregational Workday this Saturday morning beginning at 9:00 a.m. We will mostly be raking out leaves from the shrubbery, the backyard of the Luther House, and the playground area. Please bring your favorite rake.
- Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 3:1-6, as we look to the words of John the Baptist in preparation for the coming of the Lord.
- We will gather again on Wednesday evening for our next Midweek supper (6:00 p.m.) and worship service (7:00 p.m.).
- We are now taking reservations for the poinsettias for our Christmas Eve Services. If you would like to give a flower (or two) In Memory Of someone or In Honor Of someone, please fill out the form in the December newsletter or Sunday’s bulletin, drop it into the offering plate, leave it on Pat’s desk, or mail it to the church office. Plants are $13.00 each.
- We keep in our prayers:
- Jim Dancik, who underwent shoulder replacement surgery earlier this morning.
- Jim Trant and family, upon the death of his mother, Barbara Cheatham.
- Bobbi Metz and family, upon the death of her sister, Anne Landers.
- Joby Hefner, mother of Jamie Corrigan, upon breaking her wrist.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer