12/6/20 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Friends and Members of the Congregation,


Here are a few things worth mentioning:


  1. We will be placing 35 poinsettias in the church for the Christmas Eve worship services.  22 have been spoken for but there are 13 remaining.  If you are interested in purchasing a plant In Honor Of or In Member Of a loved one this Christmas season they are $16.00 and will be provided by Whitten’s Nursery.  There is a form in the church bulletin and the November and December Messenger, or contact Pat in the office with the appropriate information.  All names will be printed in all four of the Christmas Eve bulletins.  The deadline is, Monday, December 14.

  2. We keep Phil Cahaly in our prayers as he undergoes shoulder surgery today at Emory  University Hospital.

  3. The Messenger was mailed out earlier this week on Tuesday.  Hopefully you will receive your copy soon.

  4. I will be preaching on the First Reading and the Gospel Reading tomorrow, focusing on the preparation for the coming of the Lord.  Questions to ponder:
    1. When you hear the word “wilderness,” what images come to your mind?
    2. What does it mean for us to “make his paths straight”?
    3. What is the difference between focusing on the event of Christ and the person of Christmas?


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer