12/29/24 Weekly Congregational Update
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:
- We had a great time Christmas Caroling as a congregation this past Sunday evening with 22 participants. Photos will be included in the next newsletter.
- Speaking of which, the January Messenger will be mailed out on Tuesday of next week.
- We had two wonderful Christmas Eve worship services on Tuesday evening with 93 attending the 4:00 p.m. service and 52 attending the 11:00 p.m. service. Both worship services were recorded, thank you Connor Caldwell, and are now on the church website, thank you Paul Wagner. If you provided a poinsettia for our Christmas Eve Services, please pick up at your convenience. A reminder that the three white poinsettias are to remain in the sanctuary for the entire Christmas season.
- Don’t forget that with this coming Sunday being a 5th Sunday, there will be One Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. We will NOT be having Sunday School or a Potluck meal this day.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer