12/22/24 Weekly Congregational Update
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates:
- If I had to pick one word to describe our Congregational Christmas Pageant last Sunday, it would be “WOW!!!” What an incredible blessing for all of us to witness the retelling of the Christ Child’s birth through a pageant. Our “Thank You” goes out to Brenda McGowan, Virgil Hobbs, Kris Yon and to the entire cast. If you haven’t seen it yet, please make sure to check out the church website and watch this worship service. There are still a few leftover Pageant bulletins in the narthex.
- If it seemed like a lot of folks in church this past Sunday, and you are wondering just how many were in attendance, we had 98 at the Late Service!
- The new Christ In Our Home devotionals, for January – March, are now in the narthex.
- Great news, the digital lock on the front door is now working. We had been waiting for several months for a part to be shipped to us.
- If you would like a 2025 calendar, they are in the narthex, courtesy of McDougald Funeral Home.
- Congratulations to Lauren Guthre and Patrick Sayers who were united in Holy Matrimony this past Saturday. We pray God’s blessings upon this couple in their new life together.
- Well, one person so far has responded to my email I sent out last week, seeking more adult acolytes for next year. If you are interested in serving the Lord in this way next year, just send me a reply.
- Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 1:39-55 as we take another look at the similarities and difference between Mary and Elizabeth, finding out that they will be expecting a miracle child. In preparation for this message, I encourage you to read the entire first chapter of Luke.
- Sunday afternoon, we will gather in Fellowship Hall for our annual Christmas Caroling and Chili event. If you would like to go Christmas Caroling with us to some of our local Senior Living communities, we will begin to gather at 4:45 p.m. and head out promptly at 5:00 p.m. This would be the perfect opportunity to wear your favorite Christmas sweater, and Santa/Reindeer hat. We plan to arrive back at the church at 7:00 p.m. for some wonderful homemade chili, sandwiches, and desserts. Come join us for an afternoon of fun!
- As you make your plans for Christmas Eve, I remind you that we are offering two entirely different worship opportunities for December 24. At 4:00 p.m. our Service of Lessons and Carols w/Holy Communion and Candle lighting will take place. This is a more family-oriented service with a Children’s Sermon and a nursery will be provided. Holy Communion will be by intinction. Then at 11:00 p.m. our Liturgical Service w/Holy Communion and Candle lighting will take place. Holy Communion will be at the altar, similar to what we do on Sunday mornings. This service is for those who desire to be in worship together during the midnight hour of Christmas Day. [Note: I will be preaching at both worship services.]
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer