12/11/22 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  1. Saturday, our Congregational Workday will take place beginning at 9:00 a.m.  We will be focusing on sprucing up the church yard.  Bring your favorite rake.

  2. How is your patience?  Sunday, I will be preaching on the Second Lesson, James 5:7-10.  Even though I feel I will be mostly talking to myself, my sermon title is, “Be Patient.”

  3. I am happy to report that all name tags have been taken off our Angel Tree!  The gifts have already begun to arrive back in the Church Office parlor.  Please be reminded that all gifts need to be dropped off NO LATER than Thursday evening, December 15, of next week.  The gifts will be delivered to AIM on Friday morning so if you are late with your gift(s), you will be responsible for getting them to AIM.  Help us make sure that no child is left out.

  4. We have decided to cancel next week’s Family Fun Night (which was to be on Wednesday, December 14) due to the fact that so many will be involved in the Pageant practice that night.   The Advent meal will still take place that night at our regular time of 6:00 p.m.

  5. Our final Midweek Advent service will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday of next week.

  6. The new Christ In Our Home devotionals for Jan/Feb/March are in the narthex for you to pick up your copy.

  7. Nancy Korn is in the process of putting together all the worship schedules for 2023.  Although the Time and Talent Sheets have been returned, we still could use a few more volunteers in certain areas.  If you are interested in serving as a Worship Assistant next year, please let me know.  “What does this person do?” you ask.  A Worship Assistant is used on the Sundays we have Holy Communion, basically the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, plus a few festive services.  They are robed up and sit in front of the choir.  There are two printed prayers that they read during the service, and they administer the wine from a pouring chalice (so a steady hand is required).  Training will be provided.     


The other area of need is help with the Altar Guild.  “What does this group do?” you ask.   There are 6 sub-categories, who serve in this capacity and do so for an entire month. They are:

    1. Preparing for Communion – Before the Early Service begins, this person sets up Holy Communion on the altar.  Then after the service, this person sets up Holy Communion for the Late Service.
    2. Communion Vessels – This person cleans up the Communion vessels and clears away the items on the altar, after the Late Service.
    3. Linens – This person take home the Communion linens, washes them and returns them to the church.
    4. Distribute Flowers – This person takes the altar flowers and delivers them to someone in need in our community – usually our shut ins.  This can be done anytime during the first part of the week. 
    5. Brass and Oil Candles – This person polishes the offering plates and flowers vases each week, and refills the oil in the candles.
    6. Replenish Pew Supplies – This person refills the Prayer Request cards in the pews, as well as envelopes, and sharpens pencils, as needed. 


If you are interested in serving the Lord in any of these ways, please send me a REPLY, letting me know.  Again, instruction will be provided for each position. 


  1. Many of you have reviewed and responded to your information I sent you last week connected to our new Church Directory for 2023.  If you have not, please take a minute and let me know if it is correct or not.  You have one more week to do so.  Otherwise, I will assume that the information we have for you and your family is correct. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer