11/19/23 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates:
- As I mentioned this past Sunday at our Congregational Meeting, attached below is a link from the SC Synod concerning the history and context for the Israel-Hamas War presented by the Rev. Bobby Morris. He is the pastor of Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Prosperity and the Professor of Old Testament at our Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia. Even though this is a rather long presentation (1 hour and 34 minutes), it is an excellent summary of that area of the world and helps greatly to understand the history of that land. I recommend watching it in sections when you need a break.
- With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we will be using two “Thanksgiving” hymns during our worship on Sunday.
- Sunday, I will be preaching on our gospel text, Matthew 25:14-30, the parable often referred to as, “The Parable of the Talents.”
- The new Advent devotionals have been placed in the narthex for you to pick up. Please limit yourselves to one per household.
- The Angel Tree was put up earlier this morning and is covered with tags of needed items for boys and girls, by Nancy Scalf and Beth Fischer. PLEASE NOTE: In the past, we did not wrap the gifts but we received word this morning, after the bulletin was printed, that all gifts will need to be wrapped this year, or placed in a gift bag, with the tag attached to the outside.
- Monday evening the Lutheran Men in Mission will gather for their monthly meeting. Supper will be provided beginning at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
- We keep in our prayers Richard Polsdorfer who has been at the AnMed hospital for the last 2 and ½ weeks with heart issues.
- Someone asked me this past Sunday if they could still turn in their Time and Talent sheets. The answer is: “Of course!” It is not too late to indicate how you would like to serve the Lord through Holy Trinity next year. Simply drop off your completed form in the offering plate or mail to the church office. There are more forms available in the room off the narthex.
- If you would like to be a part of this year’s Christmas Pageant, please contact Virgil Hobbs at 706-717-1177 or vghobbs@bellsouth.net.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer