10/17/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s “greatests” to pass along to you:


  1. We continue to receive new members into our congregation.  This Sunday, at the Late Service, we are excited to be receiving the following new folks:
    1. Barbara Thomas
    2. Jeremy, Mary, Brady, and Gracie West
    3. John and Barbara Trent

  2. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Mark 10:35-45, as we explore the disciples’ request to sit near Jesus in the Kingdom to come.  Some things to ponder:
    1. Do you normally sit in the same pew each Sunday?
    2. If so, why?
    3. Why are James and John referred to as, “Sons of Thunder?” – see Mark 3:17
    4. Also read Luke 9:54-55, as a possible reason.
    5. What does it mean for us to be “servants of the Lord”?
    6. How does our use of Time and Talent sheets connect with this idea?

  3. We keep Amy Goodson in our prayers as she recovers from knee replacement surgery.  She will be returning home this afternoon.

  4. We keep Marion Howell in our prayers after almost a week of hospital stay.  She was moved to Brookdale earlier this afternoon.

  5. We keep Joshua Fischer in our prayers after surgery for a deviated septum on Wednesday.



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer