09/23/33 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are some things of interest going on in the congregation:

  1. A big “Thank You” goes out to Diane Richardson who filled in for Pat in the office this week, as Pat was out on vacation.

  2. Through a lot of time and effort from many of you, and a good time had by all, we raised $1,883.00 at our Deutsches Fest this past Saturday!  This money will be given to the Good Neighbor Cupboard to fight hunger in our community.

  3. By now you should have received your household’s copy of the Time and Talent Sheet and Pledge Card for 2023.  Please pray over this and ask God to guide you in your commitment to Him through Holy Trinity.  During the worship service Sunday and on October 30, two wicker baskets will be passed around as part of the Offering.  Please place your sheets into the baskets as a blessing will be prayed over them as part of the worship service.  If you need any part of the volunteer positions of the Time and Talent Sheets explained, contact me and I will be glad to share what each committee and what each volunteer will be asked to do in 2023.  This information will be used to schedule all worship assistants, altar guild, committees, for the next year.

  4. Sunday, the Youth will be passing out bags to the congregation as part of the Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat food drive for AIM. Then on Sunday, October 30, we ask that all filled bags be returned to the church.

  5. Sunday is Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday.  You are asked to wear the color pink In Honor Of or In Memory Of those who have fought or are fighting cancer.

  6. Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel, Luke 18:9-14, as we hear of two men who go up to the Temple to pray.  One is heard by God and one is not.  Come as we explore another aspect of prayer.

  7. With Sunday, October 30, being a 5th Sunday (and Reformation Sunday) we will be having One-Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.  (no Sunday School).  A Potluck Meal will follow in Fellowship Hall.  You are asked to bring a dish or two to share.

  8. An update on Allan Cole:  he is doing great following his surgery to remove his esophagus cancer a week ago today. He is expected to return home from Emory the first of next week!


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer