09/15/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • Beginning on Sunday, each pew will have a copy of the Congregational Pictorial Directory in a protected folder.  These copies are designed to remain in the pew and to help us learn the names and faces of our church family.

  • On Sunday, the Deutesches Fest tickets will be available to purchase from a church council member (or the church office during the week). You will notice that the ticket prices have been increased slightly from $12.00 to $15.00 for adults, and from $7.00 to $10.00 for children (12 and under).  This is to increase the amount of funds we donate to local charities.  This year all funds generated will go to Meal on Wheels – Anderson.

  • On Sunday we begin a two-week hygiene drive as we gather donated items for Clean Start, Haven of Rest Men’s Ministries, and Haven of Rest Women’s Ministries.  There is a list of needed items in your bulletin and newsletter.  Several folks have purchased items in bulk using Amazon, which is an option.  There are collection bins in the room off the narthex. This outreach project is sponsored by our Service Committee.

  • We begin a new Sunday School year on Sunday, as we now have classes for the children, youth and Adults.  Classes begin at 10:00 a.m.

  • Sunday I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Mark 8:27-38 as we explore the question of Jesus, “Who do you say that I am?”  If you have a chance, please google Caesarea Philippi to get a better understanding of why Jesus chose this location to ask this question to his disciples.

  • The new Christ In Our Home devotionals for October/November/December are now ready to be picked up in the narthex.

  • If you have someone in mind (up to 4 someones), you have the opportunity to share those names with us on the Council Advisory Ballot. Simply fill out the form in your bulletin and drop it off in either the box located in the narthex or the one in the sacristy. Please be mindful of those ineligible to serve listed in the bulletin and newsletter.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer