06/30/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • The July/August edition of The Messenger was dropped off yesterday, at the Post Office.  Hopefully, your copy will arrive very soon.

  • Thank you for all your generous donations to the Saturday Servants project. We now have most of everything we need as far as food donations go.  If we discover, later in the month of July, we need additional food items, I will let you know. Our first Saturday to put together sandwich bags is July 6.  More info on this next week.

  • A reminder that with this coming Sunday being a 5th Sunday, there will be ONE-COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 a.m.  Afterwards, we will gather in Fellowship Hall to recognize Jill for her 26 years as our organist (we missed her 25th last year) and my 15 years as your pastor.  The meat (ham and chicken) as well as the drinks and dessert will be provided. You are asked to bring a dish (or two) to share.  The Fellowship Committee will be in the kitchen beginning at 8:30 a.m.  You may drop off your food to them before the worship service.  They will be glad to heat up your dish but please remember we do not have the facilities for them to cook every dish.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the topic of healing, based on our gospel reading, Mark 5:21-43, as we explore:  FIVE TRUTHS OF HEALING.

  • With July 4th falling in the middle of next week (Thursday), we will be singing the patriotic hymn “O Beautiful For Spacious Skies” as our closing hymn this coming Sunday.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer