06/04/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are some of the things going on in our congregation at this time:


  • The June Messenger was mailed out yesterday.

  • Father’s Day is fast approaching.  If you would like to have your father recognized in our bulletin for Father’s Day, the Lutheran Men in Mission is sponsoring a special offering to be given to the SC Lutheran Men in Mission.  You may make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your father.  Please fill out the form in the Sunday bulletin or the June newsletter and either place it in the offering plate on Sunday or mailed it back to the church office.

  • This coming Sunday is Holy Trinity Sunday, when the focus of our worship service with be God the Father in three persons.  This is the one time of the year we use the long Athanasian Creed because of its repetitiveness in treating the three persons, equally.

  • I will of course be attempting to preach on the concept of The Trinity.  In preparation for this message, I ask you to ponder:
    • What does the Trinity mean to you personally?
    • If you are honest, is there one person of the three that attracts you the most?
    • Is there one of the three persons that is most difficult for you to accept/explain to others?
    • If someone were to ask you for support of the concept of the Trinity, what Biblical stories would you offer?
    • How is each person of the Trinity seen/heard/felt in our worship service?

  • A quick update on our Nursery “Flowers in Bloom” Project:
    • Many items have been placed in the Office Parlor. 
    • This afternoon I just counted 22 nursery items on the sofa and floor of the Parlor.
    • We would like to wrap up this project by Father’s Day, June 18.  So if you have selected a flower/item, please have it at the church by this date.  Thanks for your generosity!!!


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer