06/02/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • We have a blue umbrella and black pair of glasses who are lost and looking for their owners (see photo).  If either one of these is yours, they are in the Narthex for you to pick up at your convenience or just let me know and I will put them to the side for you.

  • The June edition of The Messenger was mailed out this afternoon.

  • The Prayer Garden Drop In was a big success this past Sunday.  The Prayer Garden Committee thanks you for your generous donations.  To date we only have 11 Lilac colored Azaleas left to be donated.  If you would like to donate one of these, please take a card from the display in the narthex, fill out the information, and place it in the offering plate with payment designated to the prayer garden.  For all of you who have already agreed to donate payment for a particular plant, please remember to designate your payment to the prayer garden.  This will ensure that your donation will be accounted for properly.  If you need an amount reminder, or have any questions please see a member of the Prayer Garden Committee.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the First Reading (Deuteronomy 5:12-15) and the Gospel (Mark 2:23-3:6) as we explore the purposes of the Sabbath.

  • Our new group, The Dining Divas, will gather next Thursday for dinner at The Social Tap Restaurant.  Last month 10 ladies shared a wonderful time together but there is room for many more to join in. Contact Beth Cribbe to make your reservation.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer