05/30/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Some items of interest to pass along to you this week include:


  1. Our Lutheran Men in Mission’s Supper meeting had 23 men in attendance enjoying a meal of grilled hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken this past Monday evening.  After taking the summer off, we will reconvene on Monday, September 27.

  2. We keep in our prayers Bill Ebert who underwent lung surgery yesterday and is expected to be in the ICU several days at AnMed.

  3. The June edition of the Messenger was mailed out earlier today.  Look for your copy in the coming days.

  4. Beginning in June, we will return to distributing altar flowers to our shut-ins and homebound, for those who desire to do this with their flowers.  Please make sure and read the related article in the June Messenger.

  5. We also keep our newest member, Lauren Guthre, in our prayers as she undergoes hip surgery on Friday.

  6. Sunday is Holy Trinity Sunday when we use the Athanasian Creed and focus on one God in three persons.

  7. Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel reading, John 3:1-17, specifically, John 3:16.

  8. This is an exciting time for our congregation as we continue to receive new members.  Lauren joined our congregation last Sunday; this week Leon Chute will be received as well as Robin Sandwick and Phyllis Barnette joining at the 8:45 a.m. Service; and the following week, we will be baptizing Evie Theiling and her father, Ron, will be joining our membership at the 11:00 a.m. Service.  God has truly blessed us, even in these times of COVID.  Others are expected to join later, in the months of June/July.

  9. On this Memorial Day weekend, may all of us pause and remember those who have died serving this country in the Armed Forces.  As someone has so well put it, “Freedom is never free.” 

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer