05/26/24 Weekly Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • We keep in our prayers Matthew Vinson, son of Bob and Jean Vinson, who fell and shattered his arm.  He is awaiting surgery.

  • This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday, a time when we focus on the concept of One God in Three Persons.
    This is the one time of the year we use the Athanasian Creed as it connects so well with Trinity Sunday.

  • I will be preaching on the Second Reading from Romans 8:12-17 as we explore Paul telling us that we are a child of God.  We hear this term frequently in the Lutheran Church but what does it mean to you personally?

  • The congregation is invited to the Prayer Garden Drop in, following both worship services.  Light refreshments and beverages will be provided as we gather in the garden (located behind the Church Office). Members of the Prayer Garden Committee will be on hand to share the plans for refurbishing and updating our Prayer Garden.  You will have the opportunity to select plants for the garden, In Honor Of or In Memory Of a loved one.

  • This past week I visited with V.R. and Sylvia Nelson.  You may remember them as former members.  They moved to Tennessee 8 years ago and have recently moved back into our area in Abbeville.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer