05/08/22 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


A few things to pass along to you this week:


  1. Congratulations to Bob and Susan Straup on the birth of a grandson!  Riley Holmes Straup, son of Ryan and Katlyn Straup, entered this world on April 30th.

  2. A big thank to all who gave toward the WELCA Mother’s Day offering which will go to a female student at our Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.  The names of all women, In Honor Of and In Memory Of, will be listed in Sunday’s bulletin.

  3. If you have someone in your family who will be graduating this spring from a  high school, technical school or college, please contact the church office with the information.  The info will be included in the June Messenger.

  4. Sunday will be Mother’s Day, of course, but also Shepherd Sunday.  Our scripture readings will be not only Psalm 23, but our gospel reading is John 10:22-30.   I ask you to read this over and think about what it means to have our Lord as our Shepherd and to be included as one of His sheep. 


Looking forward to worshipping with you Sunday,

Pastor Fischer