04/25/21 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Congregational Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


This time of the year there is a lot going on in the congregation that you may find to be newsworthy. 


  1. I received word from Amy Goodson, that AnMed will be accepting walk-ins to the vaccine clinic today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday) at the Civic Center for all who are 16 years of age and older.  No appointment is required.  If you know of someone who may benefit from this information, please share it with them.
  2. Dave Rasche’s stay at the AnMed Rehabilitation Hospital has been extended until Friday, April 30.
  3. My sermon message this past Sunday generated quite a few related stories from many of you.  You will recall I preached on the topic of the scars of Jesus’ hands and feet.  I began my message about a little boy whose mother questioned whether he had washed his hands before eating supper.  After being told to go and wash his hands after his father had given the meal blessing, the little boy’s response was, “Jesus and germs!  Jesus and germs!  That is all I hear around here, Jesus and germs!”  On Monday morning, one of our members brought me a wash towel to share with my family with the following words printed on it: “Wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere.”
  4. Youth Sunday will not be April 25.  Instead, we have moved Youth Sunday to May 2.
  5. Sunday will be Tony and Christa Mollgaard’s last Sunday with us.  They will be moving to Hartland, Wisconsin next week.  We will be using the Rite of Farewell and Godspeed for them at the 8:45 a.m. worship service if you would like to be in attendance and tell them goodbye.
  6. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, John 10:11-18, and the theme of Jesus
    as our Good Shepherd.  In fact, the 4th Sunday of Easter is generally referred to as “Good Shepherd Sunday,” as we will hear again the beloved scripture of Psalm 23, and hear the singing of “The King Of Love My Shepherd Is.”
  7. We received word this week that our congregational Blood Drive, scheduled for Sunday, has been cancelled.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer